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Aphasia: What Can You Do to Improve Communication?

 Aphasia: What Can You Do to Improve Communication?

Language problems among seniors can be hampered by aphasia. This is a speech condition that results from nerve damages due to stroke. When our aging loved ones are unable to communicate with us properly, we can miss out on their current care needs, which might result in their inability to attain quality life. Even without aphasia, when your senior loved one experiences speech difficulties due to aging, take them to speech therapists that can make the necessary treatments and interventions. Furthermore, ensure that they are receiving quality healthcare services in Virginia so that their recovery is better managed.

Meanwhile, we would like to make the following recommendations so that you can better develop great communication with your loved one.

  • Minimize Distractions
    When you are talking with your senior loved one with speech difficulty, talk to them in a place at home where there’s lesser distraction. Ensure that televisions or audio devices are turned off. The lesser the background noise, the better you can hear what they want to tell you.
  • Allow Speaking Time
    Speech difficulties can result in our loved ones having difficulty expressing their thoughts. When you see that they are trying to express something with difficulty, exercise patience and wait for them to say it. Avoid rushing them so they can be more confident in speaking with you.
  • Use Hand Gestures
    Sometimes, our loved ones with speech difficulties may also find it hard to say the right word. In these moments, encourage them to make hand gestures instead. Let them do a sign or write down words when they are fully unable to say something.
  • Use Yes-No Question
    It can also be helpful to ask them with questions that they can simply answer. As much as possible, ask them with yes-no questions to make it easier for them to interact with you.
  • Provide Word Choices
    Your cooperation is also necessary when communicating with loved ones going through speech difficulties. If you sense that they are having difficulty making out a word, try providing at least two choices to help ease their difficulty.
  • Converse Regularly
    Having someone to talk to also improves our loved one’s communication ability. When you are not presently available to converse with them, request for a home care service provider in Fairfax, Virginia to step in for you to provide companionship and enhanced communication.
  • Read to Them
    Our loved one’s communication ability can also be improved with reading. Allow them to read small manuscripts that are of interest to them. Whenever possible and when they request it, read to them as well so their cognitive ability is exercised.

There are still many other strategies you can incorporate to better assist your loved one in communicating effectively. Along with this, ensure that they are always receiving proper care from nursing assistants so that their total recovery is attained. At Gateway Healthcare Services LLC, we help you provide the best quality care your loved one deserves.

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