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How to Address Body Odor in the Elderly


Body odor is a common concern for many older adults. It can affect their self-esteem, social interactions, and quality of life. Some factors that can increase body odor in the elderly are poor hygiene, diet, or hormonal changes. Here are some personal care tips to reduce body odor in the elderly:

  • Bathe daily with mild soap and water while paying attention to areas that sweat more.
  • Change clothes and underwear every day, as well them with detergent and baking soda to remove odors.
  • Use antiperspirant or deodorant products that are suitable for their skin type.
  • Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins and keep the skin hydrated.
  • Eat a balanced diet and avoid foods that can worsen body odor, such as spicy foods, garlic, or onion.

Body odor in the elderly is not a sign of poor health or neglect. It is a natural occurrence that can be managed with proper care. At Gateway Healthcare Services LLC, we offer is assistance with personal hygiene as part of our healthcare services in Fairfax, Virginia.

We understand that these tasks can be challenging or uncomfortable for some people, especially for the elderly with limited mobility. That’s why our nursing assistants, caregivers, and home health aides aim to provide compassionate and respectful care that respects their dignity and preferences.

We are a reliable home care service provider in Virginia that offer client-centered services so that your loved ones will receive the appropriate care plan according to their needs.

For further inquiries on our home health services, you can reach out to us at 703-462-8725.


Blogs, content, and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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